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Branding Courses Online
16 May, 2023
Social Media Certification Goals for 2023

Digital marketing is a field that continues to grow at a rapid pace. What's interesting about digital marketing is the...

Using Instagram Stories to Benefit Your Business
22 January, 2023
3 Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Benefit Your Business

While Instagram's app for Android was downloaded over a million times on the first day it was released, those metrics...

Starbucks Proves
25 December, 2021
Starbucks Proves Why Every Company Needs Social Media Training

When it comes to a company that's as large as Starbucks, new initiatives don't get released to the public in...

How to Become a Successful Social Media Manager
22 November, 2021
How to Become a Successful Social Media Manager

With hundreds of millions of people using social media in the United States and billions more across the rest of...

How to Promote Your Blog Using Social Media
25 January, 2021
4 Ways to Promote Your Blog Using Social Media

If you want more traffic for your blog, strategically sharing your posts through social media can accomplish that goal. Since...

Certified Approval Agreement Confirmation Concept
29 September, 2020
Why Choose Web Media University’s Social Media Certification Program?

If you’re looking for a proven way to grow your business, social media marketing is an excellent option. By learning...

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